Sunday, September 18, 2011

it has been a long time...

i cannot beleive how long it has been since i have been here....
summer went by in a blur of weddings
and birthdays
and anniversaries and a job promotion...
but i'm feeling good
about where we are going now...
16 has started a new school
commuting back and forth with me
instead of attending our local school
and i think it was a good choice...
a fresh start is always welcome.

speaking of fresh starts,
i start a new job tomorrow in the same office
but new workload...
i'm excited and nervous all at once...

the car has been cleaned out,
the computer space has been decluttered
laundry is getting caught up
and routines are being found

so far fall has been kind to me.

1 comment:

Deirdre said...

Welcome back. Sounds like life is good.