Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lost connections....

I haven't been here much lately
And I miss it....
We are without an Internet connection again
So I have to make due
With finding wireless where I can
And in my small town
This is no easy feat....

But I am here.

I have been reading Natalie Goldberg's Writing Down The Bones
And I
In love.

I have been writing like a maniac.

And today was the beginning of the e-course I signed up for
Creativity Spring Bootcamp....
(you can find the link in my sidebar...
This is so much harder to do on my iPad!!)

Anyhow...this is where I am,
This is what my life is today...
It is good and hard
Up and slightly down
Exciting and pushing me out of my comfort zone
In many many ways....


Char said...

this reminds me of a drawing i saw where this (comfort zone) is one place and all this space beyond that is where magic happens! ;)

gkgirl said...

I love that idea!