Tuesday, February 23, 2010


today when i got home
the sun had not yet gone down,
there was still light, there was still day left...
just a smidgen but enough to make me long for
for the scent of barbeques
and to see the kids playing in the street...
for barefeet
and less layers....
strawberries and sunflowers...
fresh cut grass...
buzzing bees.

summer sounds good right now.


Caroline said...

Ahhhh...love those photos! Enjoy all the warm sun :)

liz elayne lamoreux said...

oh my goodness yes.

Relyn Lawson said...

Summer sounds great, and I am wishing for spring. But, trying - oh trying to keep myself content in the precious present. Trying...

Deirdre said...

We've had so much rain this winter, and I've been fine with it, really, but your photos and words make me long for summer. It's been a long winter.

Nat said...

I think that's the fountain The Boy spent a lot of time playing in last time we were in Charlottetown. I think the Atlantic Ocean is calling my name again this summer.

Karen said...

Oh how I'm with you...soon, soon...and what lovely photos--I'm just the slightest bit envious of your ability to capture the droplets.