Thursday, October 08, 2009

saying yes.

i am saying yes.

yes to the bridal show...
yes to a christmas craft fair...
yes to trying a new idea with christmas
photo cards for a close friend...
yes to playing with fimo...
yes to yoga...
yes to letting the kids stay up late on
wednesday nights to watch the middle and
modern family...
yes to hot chocolate in a mug with a tree
on it...
yes to christmas magazines and jotting down ideas...
yes to letting go...
yes to living...
yes to life.

yes to take out tonight.


ELK said...

i am so happy about this!

leonie.wise said...



Nat said...


There is a song by Wintersleep called Dead Letters and the Infinite Yes... seems like the sort of song you should also say yes to. :)

Relyn Lawson said...

Yes is the word I chose for 2009. Makes me wonder if I have said yes as much as I should have.