Wednesday, November 19, 2008

where the pavement breaks {nablopomo day 19}

this is the road
that i want to take...
the one that breaks off
from conventional
the one that normal people
don't choose to take...
it's hilly and windy and
there are no signs, it is not on a map.

and yet, i'm drawn
to the way it disappears
around that bend
and i want to know what is beyond...
what is the view
from the top of that hill,
where does it lead...
where will i end up?
do i {and the car}
have the stamina to
break off from the everyday
and just wander off
on the clay road?

and i am sensing a theme here...
want, choice, roads, clay vs paved...


Anonymous said...

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, that is a yummy road. I think you are stretching and growing, always two very good things. Enjoy the journey love, it's really a beautiful (albeit hard sometimes)ride.

Anonymous said...

The road unpaved
sprouts rutted lanes
and rugged lives
filled wih yesterdays.

Leacayoungart said...

beautiful. paths, roads, trails, are fun to shoot but can be difficult. you nailed it.

Deirdre said...

That's my kind of road - when I'm not too chicken to take it.