forgive me
for this blogging interruption.
i am up to my
in drywall dust.
in the meantime,
i have borrowed
this idea
from this blogger...
Recommend To Me…
1. a movie.
2. a book.
3. a musical artist, song, or album.
4. a blog.
5. a website.
6. a recipe.
2. a book.
3. a musical artist, song, or album.
4. a blog.
5. a website.
6. a recipe.
Cool photo
Semis upsetting but good
Book: My sisters keeper
Moive: Baraka
Book: Sister of My Heart by Chitra Divakaruni
Musical Album: Sarah Harmer- You Were Here
A Blog: Well, you already read Stuntmother, so... um... Oh, I know a good one: Starshyne Productions- http://starshyneproductions.blogspot.com/
and I'm spent. That's all I got.
Looooove that photo! The plaster-dusted feet are great! :-)
Now for the question (trying to make us think, eh?):
1. movie: an oldie - "American Dreamer"
2. book: "Replay" (Ken Grimwood)
3. song: "Born to Fly" by Sara Evans (the song that inspired the poem I posted last week)
4. blog: Faster Than Kudzu (I'm too lazy to link, but it's in my sidebar)
5 & 6 -sorry, drawing a total blank. :-)
hey, those feet look like a good sign! ha! cute photo.
ok, and per request:
1. Movie
Born into Brothels
or The Motorcyle Diaries
(sorry, I couldn't stop at just one)
2. A Book:
Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri
3.Dreaming Through the Noise--Vienna Teng (just recently heard of her--good stuff!)
4. A blog:
umm....ya got me here. we read many of the same blogs. i haven't ventured into unknow territory for awhile...but i think it's time.
5. A Website:
6. A recipe:
Recipe for happiness:
read a book mid-day, then take a nap in a puddle of afternoon sunlight. (time allowing, this recipe is very easy to follow--Enjoy!)
And good luck with your renovations too!
Oh, drywall dust is always fun... (it makes me completely unable to breathe though! lol)
1. a movie. - Chronicles of Narnia
2. a book. - Visions of Death by J.D. Robb (aka Norah Roberts)
3. a musical artist, song, or album. - No Clue
4. a blog. - http://gobholegirl.blogspot.com/
5. a website. - http://www.thinkquest.org/library/index.html
6. a recipe. - My recipe for Death By Mashed Potatoes is in the middle of this post: http://peelings.blogdrive.com/archive/512.html
this seems like fun..
1."Babette's feast"
2. Eucalyptus by Murray Bail
3.Fariground Attraction. First of a million Kisses
4. http://www.treatsandtreasures.com/
5.http://www.anysonglyrics.com/ so that you can always sing the right words
6 a recipe:will email you a great recipe for vegetarian fried rice -a winner!
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