Sunday, April 29, 2012

post-a-poem 12 {2012}

there are many reasons
why i have not been
where i am supposed to be

ribs simmering in the slow cooker
brown sugar and barbeque sauce
thick and red and bubbling

a trip to mcdonalds for salty crisp fries

fresh raspberries and a big box of ripe red strawberries

a torn open box of waffle bowls
"we haven't had magic shell in forever!"
taking a chance on the pink chicken bone ice cream

mint on my tongue
cold slide of the spoon
movies that they know will suck me in
worn thin blue couches
blankets and pillows
laughter and
kisses goodnight...



Relyn Lawson said...

pink chicken bone ice cream?


gkgirl said...


and it wasn't too bad!
