Sunday, October 09, 2011

happy thanksgiving...


my husband and kids...happy healthy funny strong smart sweet one of a kind...
my job
my house, even in it's state of constant renovation and overgrown lawn
my camera...even though when i get to a wedding, i'm almost a little embarrassed to see
that so many people have the same camera {or a much more expensive one} and i have to
take a breath and remember why i'm there...
my little hyundai accent...good on gas and easy to park
internet connections {both literally and also the connections it allows me to make...}
my health
family that i love
a great place to live...nature is only a step away in any direction
the support that my little photography business has seen over the past couple of years

i know there is so much more
but i just wanted to jump on here for a moment
and make a quick list
before i head to the couch with a movie
in my hand and a cold glass of diet coke in the other
to spend the evening with my husband and kids
after an afternoon of turkey and pie
and lot of laughing with the rest of the family.

happy thanksgiving!!

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