Saturday, November 21, 2009

day twenty-one...pms and change and silence

and cranky
and fragile...
pms feels like it is running
through my veins
{like poison}
{like molten lead}
{like citric acid}
close to tears
at every turn...

i need to shift gears
i need to let go
i need to take a step back
away from myself
so i can really

deep breath
eyes closed
letting go


and do it again.


Char said...

my sister would be so in touch with these feelings

Nat said...

Yes, I know it well. It's as if I or the universe is off kilter... although I act as if it is them... I know deep down that the problem is me.


(Your drawings are amazing...

margie said...

i had forgotten about tracing hands.

spread your wings said...

i know that imbalanced feeling too - a shift in hormones or something.
that's a tough assignment - drawing hands. you did well.

Relyn Lawson said...

I. hate. PMS!!

Hope you feel better now.