Saturday, February 14, 2009

happy heart day...

i heart my life right now...
{even with no money
and job stress}
{even with an ongoing bathroom reno
that could probably make a world's record
for length of time}
{even with half a headache}

a star wars valentine
printed off the computer
wishing me a happy valentine's
{sweet even though it called me "rebel scum"}
{i know how much he loves the rebels}

dishes done sweetly and room cleaned completely
by 13
without a complaint or a roll of the eyes...

a sheepish grin
and a card behind the back...
a wonderful way to wake up
and a promise of more before we go to sleep...
14 years of valentines shared...
a box of doughnuts
and a hot bath...

i heart my life.

happy valentines day to you...


Nat said...

Sounds sweet and lovely...
There is something to be said for together after all this time. Maybe it's the beer and gin talking.. (sorry.)

Leacayoungart said...

that is so cute. what would we do without our families.

ELK said...

the good things sound glorious !
kids come through with love

daisies said...

happy heart day beautiful . heart your words . xor

Anonymous said...

Sigh...i've been away from your site here too long! I've missed your posts, especially ones like this one. You know I adore this pic as well.