Wednesday, June 18, 2008

5 really good things on a wednesday...

finding this guy in my flower bed
{and if you think that is strange but cute,
wait til you see what has hatched in the vegetable garden}

the tie made by eight for father's day
and the father that proudly wore the tie
safety pinned to his t-shirt
all day...
to my parents,
to the gas station,
to the restaurant...
{i could not possibly love this man more}

summer's coming! summer's coming!

the lingering scent of lilacs
{in my very own yard}
{have i mentioned that i love lilacs?}

and final of the five...
anticipation of a night out this saturday
with friends and music
and maybe even a little of the hard stuff....

go see liz...i think she is home now...

1 comment:

daisies said...

mmm lilacs ... sigh, ours are pretty much done but my roses are blooming so am happy with the scent of things :)

your saturday sounds lovely!! xo