Tuesday, April 22, 2008

setback but back on track

it feels as though i have been gone
for ages
when really it has only been days.

i am back now
but i feel a little out of my loop,
off my track,
loose and wobbly
my wheels spinning in every other direction
except poetry...
i am thinking bathroom renovation,
garden planting, landscaping,
paint scraping, recipe making...

i am going to push myself to get back
on the poetry track and finish out the month
but not sure if it will happen or not...

and eight is totally better...
back to school and to playing outside
and to being his usual goofy, sweet self...
thank you for all the sweet comments left...
it means a lot.


kristen said...

welcome back. xo

daisies said...

am so glad to hear that eight is better ... so very glad :)

and its nice to have you and your words back, xo

Vanessa said...

delighted that eight is all better! hurray :)

and i know what you mean about being out of your loop... i'm all plans and little action myself at the moment, feeling like i'm getting in my own way! hopefully i'll get my act together soon though :) your plans just make me add more to my list!


Frankie said...

I'm SO glad eight is better! I've been thinking about you guys A LOT!!!

Welcome back! I know the wheels won't take long to get back on their beautiful track xoxo

Michelle (a.k.a. la vie en rose) said...

so glad to hear 8 is doing better...