Saturday, February 16, 2008

looking for clarity.

it is february
and i feel like i have been spinning my wheels
so far this year.

like i am doing things...vague things...
and yet
not feeling like i am getting anything

this feeling
coupled with reading this and this
and being a part of this but
unsure of how to define it for myself
so that i was doing more than just
saying i was a part of it
{i like things in measureable quanities...
it keeps me accountable}
led me to choose my own word for 2008.


last year felt like a year of change and growth
for me...i changed my field of employment
and creatively, i spent a lot of time dreaming,
planning, imagining, researching and taking notes.
but this year, i want to focus. i want to begin to do.
i reread what i wrote while journalling about this:

"maybe my word for this year should be FOCUS-
which feels right to me in so many ways-to apply
myself to what i want to do, to narrow down,
to concentrate....and then the whole photography
side of the term appeals to me also. if only i could
stop and focus, perhaps i could do some of those
things that i always have on my list- i need to
stop listing things and get to the action."

that said,
i have decided to make myself accountable
by having saturday be a check in day for me.
i chose saturday because it is the end of the week
and i want it to be a chance to take a tally of my
week, to take inventory of where i am and how
i have been spending my time.

it will become my "tally up" day.

i invite you join me, if you feel so inclined...
i know saturdays are not good for everyone,
and you can choose any day or any way to tally
that you like...but really, i need to do this for me.
i need to be able to go back and say
i have done this...i have tried that...
i have focused on my goals and followed through.

happy saturday!

edited to add: i am in good company with the word focus,
the-talented-and-oh-so-cute-daisies had chosen this word
also in her mondo beyondo manifesto...


Vanessa said...

i love the idea of "focus" being your chosen word. it is so very charged and challenging... but attainable if you know what it is you want, i guess ;)

the 'tally up' thang sounds cool... though a little scary to me, to be honest! is it ok if i just hang around a while and soak up your good influence? i just know you'll inspire me!


Frankie said...

Yes! I love this idea of tally up, of keeping yourself in check. Sometimes we all just need to stop, take a step away from our lives, evaluate it, and see the big picture. Focus is such an important word, and something my life has been lacking lately. Even doing some of my favorite things - reading, writing, blog hopping, takes all of my effort of sitting down and telling myself "focus." It's easy to wander off...

Thanks for the inspiration!

daisies said...

yay ... i choose focus as my word for this year too and so far its been really good for me :)


Leah said...

that's a great word!! and i often need to re-focus myself. re-doing my inspiration board often helps this.

my word for the year is sort of's "now" as in the time is now, being in the now, getting present, going for my dreams now instead of later. thank you for the reminder to get back to my word of the year!!


Anonymous said...

I like your statement!

Michelle (a.k.a. la vie en rose) said...

this reminds me...i've been meaning to write a post about my word for the year...