Wednesday, April 19, 2006

i want to...but...

i want to go have a hot shower
but i have to wait for the tardy
(supposed to be here between 8 am and 11 am...
it is now almost 2 pm)
telephone repair man to come
fix my phone.

i would call to see where the hell
tardy telephone repair man is
but my phone doesn't work.

i want to be happy that friday
is my last day doing the job that
i was currently hating
but i'm too consumed with fear
and anxiety that i may have made
the wrong choice and we will suffer
financially because of it.

i would love to take advantage of
having today off and get out of the house
for awhile before the kids get home from
school but i would feel guilty if i spent any
money, its raining, i haven't had a shower yet
and i have to wait for tardy telephone
repair man to come.

i would like to continue using my
current telephone service provider
BUT i can see that may change if
someone doesn't get here soon and
fix my damn telephone so i can go
have a shower.


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