Thursday, March 09, 2006

love list.

i am feeling drawn
to softness
this week...
maybe it is the huge cottony heavy snow
blanketing the trees this morning...
maybe it is the upcoming
and much anticipated
birth of many new
babies into my family...
maybe it is the promise of spring...

i don't know really what it is,
but i feel like something is calling me
to work with pinks and off-whites,
speckles and spots...
to slow down,
to savor...

this week i have been loving...
-smores flavored pop tarts (even though
they inevitably give me heart burn)
-this incredible blog...i have been spending
all of my "nap-break-time" pouring through
her archives in absolute astonishment and envy
-postcard project (pictured above) from be alive, believe, be you
the colors match the idea...inspiring and beautiful
-this make-you-think documentary...presents
some interesting questions
-forgotten favorite songs: ode to billy joe,
running to stand still
baby can i hold you
in the ghetto
-some new ones to add to the list:
red is blue
dance dance
-my kids' report cards...yay!

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